Monday, September 26, 2011

How to make a fast Honda?

If you already have a nice motor it is pretty easy. You can buy many aftermarket parts that will help you gain horsepower. Lets say you have an h22 with high compression then its pretty easy to! You can go buy a skunk 2 intake manifold which will add some power. You can also take the injectors out and take the screens out of them, and its all pretty easy to do. It depends on the size of the exhaust you have because the amount of flow it has. When you start tearing apart the block there is many things you can buy. When you start the block There is many little parts. You can buy pistons and rods and that will help you with how high your compression is. If you have high compression then you don't want to put a turbo on it. If you go low compression then you can put a turbo on the motor and you will gain lots of power. A turbo is proably the easiest way to make lots of power but it is not cheap at all. When you put a turbo on then you have to go to some performance shop and get the car tuned for the turbo. You will also make more power of the tune. You also have to tune a car when you put cams in your car. There are many ways to make power, but it al depends on what kind of build you want. Its either turbo or NA. NA is naturally Asperated, and means high compression with no turbo or supercharger. Those are just some ways you can make horsepower.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The new trend

The new trend is Hondas. If you are into cars a lot of people will go out and buy a Honda. People see Hondas as cheap cars and they can actually be expensive if you have a nice clean one. They are hard to find a rust free one but there out there. The reason I like Hondas is because you can make them fast and its not that hard. I know alot of people that own them and they are all super nice. There is many v8 owners that under estimate them and then they end up feeling stupid once they get beat. Hondas have been around for like 30 years now and even more. They just started getting popular like a few years ago. I think Hondas are funnier to work on and you love when you have acheived something like putting in a new part. I bought a Honda so I can learn more about them and to make a slow car into a fast one.

Blogging experience

I think blogging is pretty cool and very different. It is definitely different from facebook and the rest of the chatting websites out they. It was pretty cool at first to learn how to use this website but I had a lot of problems setting it up. I don't know why but I did, I had to make like ten differnt passwords everytime and then I last the password that worked. I think as long as Laura helps me with it I think ill be alright in the future. I don't think ill blog outside of school but I would rather blog then write story's in class. I would rather be in the computer lab then in a class room just listening to a teacher talk forever. It is also cool that I get to talk about things I enjoy doing. I also like that you can read other people's blogs and that can get interesting.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My weekend

This past weekend I did a lot of things but Saturday had the most action and I had the most fun. During the day I didn't do much but work on my car and hangout. When the night came it was the best. I and a buddy went down to meet up with a bunch of cars so we could race. We first went and met up with a few buddies that have the same car as me, so we could all roll down there together. When we first got to the spot where everyone meets there were cops down there and they were being complete pricks to us. After we left that spot we got onto the highway and a 500 horse power car pulled up next to my buddy and my buddy Joe started pulling with him and the guy hit his spray and the camaro went sideways down the highway. It was one of the craziest things i have ever seen. Once we got to the next spot everyone had already been racing. I even watched a car blow up there motor right in front of me, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Once 3 o'clock came around I took off for home. I thought it was a fun night and happy the cops didnt find out where everyone was at.

My new blog

The way I connect with the world is over the internet. I use things like facebook and use to use myspace. I also use things like MNhondas and another forum called Honda-tech. These make it easy to learn about cars and get car parts I want. In the past I have also used Craigslist to get parts for my car and even buy my cars. MNhondas is a forum that a bunch of people go on and trade parts and sell them also. It makes everything so much easier. I use Facebook to connect with my friends and family. I think Facebook is getting old though and is boring. Myspace got old after a few weeks of having it. I would probaly take blogging towards the car people because the people that like it can blog on what they did over the weekend and where all the meets are at and what time they are going to meet. I think it would be a perfect way for people to find things out that are simple. I also think its always interested to read other peoples post and what they think about other people's blogs.